7 de abril de 2013

OST The one pound gospel

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1. One Pound Gospel -MAIN THEME-
2. The Limits of Strength
3. The Gong's Revelation
4. Bell of Light
5. Hero's Method
6. Champ's Qualification
7. Two People's Destiny
8. The Sister Prays
9. The Glove's Whereabouts
10. Game Fighter
11. The Cross of Promise
12. The Lamb's Helper
13. The Delicious Trap
14. The Roof of God
15. Coach's Sigh
16. Because of You
17. Oath on the Belt
18. God's Ring
19. Boy's Greeting
20. Thread of Tension
21. Foreboding Dawn
22. Hardship's Reward
23. Tomorrow's Oath

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